Small Steps, Big Difference!

12 February, 2025

Today, we want to talk about how each of us can contribute to saving our planet and doing something good for others.

Sounds great, right?

In today's world, charity work and the conservation of natural resources are becoming increasingly important part of society's life.
AF TRANS is no exception and is an annual participant in charity events. We want to remind you that caring for our planet and helping those in need is not difficult! Every little step matters. After all, our actions today determine what the world will look like tomorrow.

We hope to inspire you, so that is why we want to share our small steps in this important and noble cause:

1) Helping the elderly: We put together some New Year's gifts and well-wishes

Important note:
- Older people often become more vulnerable and need our help with daily tasks. Many also suffer from loneliness and need our support, warmth, and simply attention.

2) Helping people with disabilities: We raised money and essentials for people with disabilities, which we later donated to a fund

Important note:
- Disability does not make a person any less part of a society. By raising awareness and fostering tolerance and mutual respect, we build confidence in people with disabilities and a sense of belonging. This encourages positive growth, and despite any disability, a person will strive toward their goals, contributing positively to society.

3) We collect plastic lids - recycling turns them into real money for charity

Interesting fact:
— The plastic from the caps can be recycled into various useful items such as buckets, containers, chairs, tables, warehouses, siding, decorative panels, fasteners, pipes, electrical insulation systems, and much more.

4) Helping children: We put together New Year's gifts for a Hospice

Important note:
- Every penny spent on helping children returns to society many times over. After all, children are our future.
5) We organized a donation for animal shelters (food, medicine, and necessary care items)
We set up a "Shelter Corner" in the office to inform about cats and dogs that can be adopted into families

Interesting fact:
— In some countries, local authorities install feeders and warm shelters for animals in the streets and parks.
— The Netherlands is considered the only country in the world without homeless animals.
6) Collecting batteries for proper disposal

Interesting fact:
- One AA battery can contaminate several cubic meters of soil, and one mobile phone battery can pollute 600 tons of water.

7) We organized a charity fair where colleagues cooked various treats and prepared some gifts. The proceeds were donated to the Hospice for children’s treatment

Important note:
- Fairs are an effective way to raise funds for charity, social programs, and to attract volunteers to charity projects. Not everyone can contribute financially, but they can donate their skills, time, and creativity.

8) Clothes for recycling and helping those in need

Interesting fact:
- To produce one kilo of cotton fabric, 25,000 liters of water are required.
- Landfills are replenished with 7-8 billion new clothes annually.

- People in need are not only the homeless. They are also those who struggle to meet their basic needs: food, clothing, and medical care. It’s important to understand that any of us can find ourselves in a similar situation. Therefore, showing compassion and the desire to help others is not only a moral duty but also a demonstration of humanity.

We hope we have inspired you and reminded you of the importance of small yet valuable steps.

Charity is a chance to feel part of something bigger. Together, we can create a world where everyone can live happily!

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